Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hockey Depression

So the hockey playoff recently started. To me, they also ended recently too. 3 of the 4 teams I enjoyed watching and were rooting are already out. Most important to me, Buffalo lost. That already made me sad, then both the Phoenix Coyotes and Washington Capitals lost in 7 games. Boo!

All I can say is I hope you aren't a Chicago Blackhawk fan. If my track record holds, they'll be out soon enough. Then I won't know what to do.

Hair (Not the Musical)

I have always wanted long hair. Again, I am attempting to grow it out. I am not exactly sure why, but for as long as I can remember I have wanted long hair. Not crazy long but a good length. Something like this length.

Of course I will need to get the kick butt beard too. Then I can walk around and call everyone, 'Brother' (LOST joke).

But anyways, even though it is probably a little bit before I get there (And I honestly don't know if I'll be able to make it there or not), I am already wondering what will be the next adventure for my hair. Of course it will be something shorter. I was just curious what your suggestion might be for my next look. Feel free to post in the comments. Adding a link to the idea might be cool too, so I can see the image.

(Man, a whole post about hair. I feel so girl-y. Guns, bullets, cars, explosions, Godzilla! Ok, better, I now feel more manly.)

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Lesson From Dad

I have learned a lot from my father over the years. Not all of them instructional things, like how to tie my shoes, but many of them being more along the lines of how to act and what type of person I should be. A really do think that he has taught me more without saying a word than many people have with all they have said. Most of the reason is because I look up to my father so much. I do realize he isn't perfect, he would probably be the first to admit that, but he is still my father and is the type of person I want to be someday.

All that to say this. One of the things he told me was, 'If you act like you know what you're doing, no one will question you.' This was a lesson I used frequently at the Home Depot, trying to convince customers I knew what I was talking about. I probably wasn't the best at it, I was always glad that my pay wasn't commission based, but I got better over time. I realize I use that skill all the time now. With my current job (the one I am soon leaving) I have to go to some secure areas. No one questions me when I act like I am supposed to be there, even though many times I get lost and find I am not even in the right place. One of the weirdest places that this happens is in the hospitals. I have found a few code words that allow me to just walk past security guards and into where ever I need to. Its pretty cool but does make me worry about hospital security. I am sort of glad, sometimes, when someone stops me to ask what I am there for. I do feel like those people who sneaked in the President's party a little while ago.

Thanks Dad for teaching me to act confident even when I am not.

Semester Project

So, its almost the end of the semester for me. I had mentioned before about how I am dreading the presentation for the project but a new issue has arisen for me: lack of interest. I was sort of interested in choosing the topic I did when I needed to pick something but as the semester went on, I continued to lose interest in the idea. Now, at the end, I need to find people to survey and I really have no interest in it. I feel that this is a subject that bores me and I don't want to bore someone else with having to do it partake in it too, even though their participation is only for a few minutes. I think this really reflects why I am not a fan of semester long projects. By the time the middle of the semester rolls around, I normally don't really care for the idea as I once did. At the end of the semester, I detest the project. Like now, where I really can't stand talking about the issue any more. I guess I need to suck it up and just finish it out. There is only a few more weeks left so it shouldn't be that hard. Just annoying, but that's school for you. You win some and you lose some.

The Good, the Bad, and the Other One

I recently had the pleasure to watch the movie, 'The Good, the Bad, the Weird', which is a Korean Western movie that was heavily influenced by the Spaghetti-Western (a certain type of Western movie) 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly'. It really isn't a remake, since they make it into a Korean story, changing the settings and characters quite a bit, though still keeping the Good and Bad, and just changing the Ugly to the Weird. It is a very enjoyable movie. The story revolves around a map that is rumored to lead to the Qing dynasty treasure, the all the groups that are fighting to find it. The three principle characters, the Good, Bad, and Weird, are all at odd trying to get it and some have their own back story intertwining them. Not the best of plots, at times not making tons of sense, but some amazingly fun action scenes. I would highly recommend this movie if you can find it. A trailer and clip can be found here.

Run, Run as Fast as You Can!

There are a lot of things that I like to do that I don't do enough. The one I will be talking about today is running. I REALLY enjoy going for a good run. There are a few problems with doing it though. I am not a fan of running on a treadmill, I feel like a hamster except for I am not on a wheel. I mean, if it was a wheel, that could be kind of cool. I mean for a short time, at least. So, you would think that I would love to run outside, that's when another problem occurs. I hate having people drive by me. I know this is terribly silly, and it might come from the fact that I don't have a great self image, but I feel like there are looking at me or something. Even if I could get over that, a third problem arises. I am stupid. Yeah, I know it isn't that surprising to any of you. When I do run outside, I would just run until I got tired, not really thinking, 'Oh, I'm getting a little tired now so I should turn around while I still have some gas in my tank.' No, I would go full out in a nearly straight path away from where I start. The trek home is not a fun one and is usually enough to convince me for a bit that running is bad.

I know, I should be able to just give up and run inside, or just not care what others think of me while I'm running, or, at least, use a little of the sense that GOD has given me. No, I am just going to sit here and get fat. I'll blame it on the fact that my apartment complex has been renovation the gym for months. Maybe I should just do a different exercise or something.....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Playoff Time

Hockey playoffs started last week! When the Sabres are in, this is one of my favorite times of the year. When they aren't, I still like it but it is very bittersweet. Luckily, the Sabres are in this year. My love for sports is really shown during this time. I actually watched parts of 4 different games today, at least 2/3 of 3 of the 4 games. None of the games were the Sabres, that is how much of a fanatic I am. I went grocery shopping during the second game, and feeling in the spirit, I grabbed some beer. Of course I grabbed the only beer that I feel is appropriate for hockey, Molson Canadian. I had two or three during the games. The others might sit in my fridge till next weekend when I have my next playoff hockey day.


Tomorrow (I am talking about Monday, which is really later today, but since I will be going to bed soon, I will refer to it as tomorrow) should be one of the happiest days of my life. I need to do two things before it is definite, but I am going to tell you why its such a joyous day first. I am going to be putting in my 2 weeks notice! I was thinking about how I will be leaving the day of or after my last exams. If I can't get it moved up, my last finals are on Thursday May 13th. I get paid every week for the work I did on the prior week and the checks are issued late Thursday. They are supposed to be issued Friday but I can get mine on Thursday night. One of the perks of working nights I guess. An issue arises with this since I am hoping to leave to work in California as soon as I finish my last final which should be Thursday May 13th. If I work the first week of May, I won't be able to pick up my last paycheck! I am actually hoping to move the date of my last final up, so it would be even harder to get that check. I know I could ask them to mail it to me but I would really just rather quit, since I have the money.

The only things I need to do are, obviously, send in my notice. Prior to that, I need to check with my buddy Brad and make sure the job in California is still on. I mean, there is no reason to think it isn't other than that no company in the industry has ever seemed like they know what they are doing. I trust that, if Brad says Cali is a sure thing, there is a 90% chance it is a go. I do trust Brad, I just don't trust any company in this industry.

Either way, whether I quit this week or next, I am totally excited! While the job really is interesting, I hate the hours and the wear I put on my car. It really may be one of my favorite days ever!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Holiday When?

So I was driving down the road the other day and holidays popped into my mind. Now I am familiar with when the big ones are; Christmas, New Years, Halloween, Valentine's Day, and Thanksgiving; but I really have no idea when the smaller ones are; President's Day, Memorial Day, Fathers' Day (sorry Dad), and to be equal Mothers' Day (sorry Mom). I don't really know if this a a problem many people struggle with, but it is one of my crosses I bear. I really need to work on this problem. It is something that is creeping in starting to effect other areas of my life. Like, how do I know if I should give my parents a call or wish other people I see a happy holiday if it isn't even a holiday on that day? How would I know whether to put my left sock on first if I didn't even know it's Opposite Day or not?

Man, my life is just tough.

Coming soon! A 100% Spanish post!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

System Error!

Sorry folks. There has been a computer and Internet issue with me. That is why I haven't posted recently. Hope I can get it resolved soon but for now I have to have my computer on a chair next to my tv to get connected to the internet. Needless to say, it becomes very uncomfortable to write or do anything sitting here. Hope you understand.

(For more frequent but shorter updates, follow my twitter feed.)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Little Fuzz on My Face

I hate to shave. It is one of my least favorite things to do so I try to not do it too often. As expected, this creates a lot of scruff on my face. The problem I personally have with this is that the hair doesn't fill out very well. I don't mind growing a beard, I just have trouble growing one. I get my neck to fill in (which is terribly unattractive) and a goatee, but nothing on the cheeks. If I was a fan of the goatee, I might be grateful for this situation, but I do not like the goatee at all. I really think it is one of the lamest and overdone facial hair patters. Anytime there is an evil twin, he has a goatee. Anytime someone wants to look a little more 'hard-core', they grow a goatee. Anytime someone is too lazy to shave but still wants to look professional, they go to the goatee. They think that it looks cleaner than a full beard, but since a lot of goatees aren't well trimmed, they just look sloppy.

Maybe I am being to hard on it. I just see way too many people with a goatee and very few of them actually look good. Maybe if it didn't seem like the stand by for people, it wouldn't be as bad. Maybe I'm just jealous......maybe not.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Bit of Basketball

I normally couldn't care less about watching basketball. Today, though, is the national championship game for college basketball, and to live up to my name, I am watching it. Well, more like, I have it on in the room I am in. Watching it out of the corner of my eye half the time but not paying total attention to it. I have to say, I actually do enjoy this game, the championship game. I really wonder if I would enjoy college basketball if I watched it more, but I sort of doubt it. I have tried a few times but it never grabbed me, I think its just that its a championship game. Its only because its so important. I really love watching any championship game. Well, aside from the NBA, I still can't get into that game.