Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Worring About This Semester

I am an A student. At least normally, and it is what I want to be. Last semester, while working the night job, I studied a lot and felt like a good student. I put a little effort in and ended up getting pretty good grades. This semester is sort of a whole different story. I haven't read any of my books. I didn't study for my Spanish test (and I got an 80 on it). To top it off, I am working less than last semester and have much more time to study, but I just choose not to. I really wish I had better discipline. I really think I need to work on a routine of studying, working and social life to balance it all out. I think that was the benefit last semester, I knew what time I had to do things. We shall see, but I hope to right this ship soon!

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