Monday, November 30, 2009


Some of you may know, I own a rugby ball. I have never used it to play a rugby game, but I was once taught the proper way to throw the ball. I really want to try to play some time. I think the game would be a blast to play. I just have not put enough (any) time into figuring out if there is a pickup team around or what. Before I die, or grow too old to play, I want to play a game of rugby. Might need to get into better shape first.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Well, I have had some quite busy past few weeks. Let's start with the freshest in mind.

I just got back from Vegas. Mike and I drove out Friday morning to see two of our friends tie the knot. It was a total rush in Vegas. I am not sure I love the city, not even sure if I would say I like it. The trip was a lot of fun, but it felt like a total tornado. I felt like we ran from place to place just to see everything. To be fair, most of the places are beautiful and I am looking forward to my next trip when I have less planned (no weeding) and more time (more than the 24ish hours we had), oh and having more money might not hurt.

It was a nice wedding and just a great time hanging with some really cool people. Vegas did get me for not gambling, I have a rather large blister on my foot.

On the plus side, I had a suit that I bought awhile back, tailored by a friend of mine. I dropped it off the night before we left and picked it up 5ish hours before we hit the road. Thanks, Brad, for doing it last minute. It looked great!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Short Update for the Upcoming Days

Well I must say, it's nice to have awesome friends. My buddy Brad, who I have mentioned a few times in this blog and who has his own blog here, invited me to work with him as a technician installing security systems . I am really hoping this works out, but for this week, I will be driving to Yuma tomorrow morning to train for a few days then go off by myself. From there, I am not totally sure, but we will find out when the time comes.

Let's see how this goes.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Not Always the Most Technical Minded

I recently got a wireless router to hook up to the modem so that I don't have to sit at the kitchen table whenever I am using the internet. I just got the router, no manuals or anything so I have been trying to figure out how to hook it up. It took me about an hour to figure out that the reason it wasn't working was because the transformer I had was incorrect. I manage to get my hands on the correct one. Still nothing. My phone and computer can see the signal but nothing from the internet. It really bugs me that I can't figure this out. Might help if I spent more than 40 minutes trying to figure this out. Stupid short attention span.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Something New!

Nothing big. Just thought since I haven't posted in a while, I would try and post mid-day. Don't do this very often, I usually just do it at the end of the day right before I go to bed to sleep. Still looking for a job, but trying to keep my chin up. It is never a fun process, but I guess it'll give me time to do other stuff. like apply to school! If I get in, maybe everything was for the best, but I am going to hate dealing with student loans. Even with that though, I will be so glad to be a student again.

Well without anything else to write (I do have a lot to write actually, just not right now. Don't want this post too cluttered. Maybe I'll post again tonight.) I'll post some pics.

My little bro and I in California, after a VERY long night. Great to see him again!
I actually dressed up for Halloween! Haven't done that in years. Face paint looked like a cross between a zombie (what I was supposed to be) and Rambo (not what I was going for)

Me in the sweet hoodie I took from my last job at Siren. I figured since I liked it and ran the inventory for a bit, no one would mind me taking one since they usually just take them around the office.