Wednesday, September 30, 2009

California! (In just over 2 weeks)

California. Never really been. Recently, I started thinking about how cool it would be to go and see the ocean and everything so I decided to go. I was going to go this weekend but I must pay bills. Next weekend I have a friends b-day party and opening night for the Coyotes. (It's hockey, not going to miss it) So I decided the weekend after I will be going. Already called my little brother and we are going to get together out there. Should be an awesome time. Really excited for it, just stinks that it is 16ish days away. Guess it gives me something to look forward to.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I made some waffles, and they were delicious.

Waffle Iron = Great purchase!

Monday, September 28, 2009


All day, I had no idea what I was going to write here. So instead of writing something random earlier, decided to watch the new Star Trek movie. (Not really new, I am just a bit behind the times.) I have to say, I loved it! I thought it would be a cliched Star Trek movie, making nonstop references to the show and only really catering to the hardcore fans. It surprised me in how accessible they made this movie. Of course there were the silly quotes from the old shows, but I felt I could jump right in knowing VERY little about the original shows. A movie with great action, an interesting story, and all the beeps and whistles you would find in any 'Star' movie. (I really think I had heard some of the sound effects and background noises in one of the Star Wars movies.)I recommend this movie to anyone looking for a captivating action movie. It doesn't hurt that it has the Star Trek name. Who doesn't know something about that show?

I just have to say, I was sort of distracted by who played the bad guy. I knew I had seen him in something before but I couldn't figure out who he was the whole movie. Turns out, I had seen him in a lot. Eric Bana, darn you for distracting me. I had to look it up right after the movie finished. I should have known that one.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Maybe an editor would help

I know a few other people who write online. I have 4-6 blogs that my friends write that I try to make a habit of reading. I also have a few other friends who do other random writing for websites, doing reviews and such. I just have a huge issue with their improper use of grammar in their writing. Most of them are actually really good writers and I do enjoy reading what they write. It's the other ones that seem to make a habit of those issue. Their spelling and grammar errors usually distract me from their writing. I feel bad, it isn't like they are going out of their way to make those small mistakes and they are just doing it for fun. I am a fan of people writing for no other reason than to just write. But you really should try to edit what you write, perfect it and perfect all your writing. If you look over it again, and see an issue, maybe it's something you do often and should keep an eye out for. I am not going to pretend that my writing is immaculate, it is far from it, but I am trying to improve it.
I know I should just let it be. If people don't want to improve their writing and are fine with the errors that some third graders would notice, that is up to them. As for me, since I use the English language so much, I will continue to work towards the best understanding of it that I can get. Maybe I should just become an editor or something, then I could actually get paid to correct peoples' errors.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A few thoughts on Pride and Prejudice

I am still reading Pride and Prejudice. My sister would probably be ashamed with how long it is taking me to read this but I don't invest nearly as much time into reading as she does (Not many people read as much as she does) I can really see why people love this book and why it is a classic. The book has, at times, really pulled me into the story. Though it is not normally the type of book I'd read, I am finding myself reading into the early morning hours. I usually will read it till I fall asleep, and many times have woken up the next morning with it still in my hands cause I didn't want to stop reading. Don't get me wrong, it is not the most exciting book in terms of action. As far as I know, there is none. The intriguing thing about this book is the human interactions between the characters. With every sentence I read, a picture is painted in my mind of what is going on. When this happens, you know you have a good book.

Just thought I would let everyone know I am enjoying the book. Still don't know how comfortable I am telling people I am reading what I consider one of the mostly 'girl-y' books ever.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Job!!!

I was going to apply for a new job today. Yeah, I did just start this job recently and I don't HATE it but there was an opportunity that came up that I was going to apply for and see where it went. Sadly, this job was filled hours before I had a chance to apply for it. It probably would have taken me a while to figure out where to apply for this job anyways. I really don't think I had a chance, but who knows. I think I would have done a good job as the Head Coach of the Phoenix Coyotes. Well the Director of Hockey Operations job is still open, from what I know. Let's see if I can find it. Where should I look? Yahoo jobs? Craigslist?

I guess, in the mean time, I'll have to stay with Siren Inc.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Here I go again

I feel like I've said this before, but I really am going to try to post on this more frequently. I know you are probably all wondering what I've been up to (and if not, just humor me) and why I haven't posted more often. Well here is the update:

1. I found a place. Living by myself in Tempe. It's a nice, small place. It's close to work, which is really awesome. The sad part is I never realized how much of my roommate's stuff I had taken for granted. Had to buy all new pots and pans. Still waiting for money to get a tv. BUMMER!!

2. I was told the first day to go to work was a Monday. I didn't realize that also happened to be Labor Day and the office was closed. Thanks for telling me guys!

3. Speaking of work, I don't think I have actually worked 8-5 yet. Usually get in between 7:40-8:05am, depending on how quickly I move in the morning. I stay till 6-7pm. I eat lunch at my desk while working. Today was the first time when I felt that, at moments during the day, I didn't have anything to do. Well at least I'm not bored.

4. Since I don't know many people around here and I don't really have money to go out, I have spent my Saturdays doing a bit of work too. Like the genius I am, I decided to go to the storage unit last Saturday at noon and spend 2-3 hours there counting hundreds of company T-shirts. For some reason, someone opened every box so none had a correct count. Not a great idea on my part to spend the hottest time of day in a metal box in the AZ heat. Also stinks that I am not hourly.

5. The good news is that the lack of funds have kept me in where I have had a chance to catch up on my movies and tv shows on Hulu. Good times.

6. Still working on being a soccer fan. Not sure who to root for or anything. I haven't really been able to watch a game in a while, which is sad. But I might be going over to a friend's place this Saturday to watch a game. That is, if I don't think it would be more fun to go back to the storage unit.

7. Got to watch a rugby game finally. Pretty cool but not exactly as pictured. Must watch more.

Well that's it for now. Think I may study some French before bed. Hopefully, I can remember to post again tomorrow. Night all!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back in AZ

I made it! I would be ok to not take a car ride over 2 hours for a while. In the past year, I think I have made way too many road trips. The issue with being back in AZ is that I currently don't have a place to live. I am sleeping on my brothers couch and I haven't unloaded most of my stuff. I hope to have an apartment by the end of the week. Boy, am I going to be glad to get settled soon.