Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Thoughts: SB 1070

As many people know, the Arizona governor recently signed the bill SB 1070 into law. This is the law regarding illegal immigration. Everyone has their own thoughts and opinions on this law, though I believe many of them have no clue what it actually says. I have skimmed over the bill, so that puts me a step ahead of the masses. So I guess I'll take a few seconds to share my thoughts on the bill and illegal immigration as a whole.

I like to follow the law and be an upstanding citizen, but there are many times when I think laws don't make too much sense. I understand the need to follow traffic laws, but when it is three in the morning and I can see all ways, is there really a need to wait for a light to change? I know I can't just pick and choose when to follow laws, that is why I sit there and wait at lights no matter how late it is.

My problem with illegal immigration is that we as Americans have no problem having the 'illegals' work for cheap and do the crappy jobs that most people wouldn't want to do and certainly wouldn't want to do for the wages they are getting. For these people, they are coming to America to try to make a better life for themselves and their family. That is exactly what the American is about. The American Dream, that whoever you are, through hard work, you can make a better life for yourself. To tell these people who are coming here for that reason that they should stay out seems a bit strange to me. It almost seems like America is starting to lean away from what it says it is.

I do know and understand the issues that have arisen from illegal immigration. Drugs and violence are big ones. I will not argue with the fact that, with this law, there is a chance that these will lessen. My problem with it is that you are penalizing the many for the crimes of a few. No all illegal immigrants are drug lords, drug runners, thieves, or murders and I would guess that not even most are. I would add that I think those who are will now turn to violence more quickly if confronted by the law because they would fear deportation. The trouble causing illegals, I think, are better at hiding than those who aren't here to cause trouble. I really doubt that this law will scare anyone who is already into that type of trouble.

My biggest issue with the law, after skimming it, is the wording, 'FOR ANY LAWFUL CONTACT MADE BY A LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIAL OR AGENCY OF THIS STATE OR A COUNTY, CITY, TOWN OR OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF THIS STATE WHERE REASONABLE SUSPICION EXISTS THAT THE PERSON IS AN ALIEN WHO IS UNLAWFULLY PRESENT IN THE UNITED STATES, A REASONABLE ATTEMPT SHALL BE MADE, WHEN PRACTICABLE, TO DETERMINE THE IMMIGRATION STATUS OF THE PERSON'. Now, to me, what this says is that, when a police officer confronts anyone that he has a 'reasonable suspicion' is an illegal immigrant, he shall make a 'reasonable attempt' to find out their immigration status. I really doubt I am going to be asked for my immigration status. To me, I think this leads to racial profiling. Yes, politicians will tell you this law is in place for illegal immigrants from all over but I really believe that, since the biggest group in Arizona are illegal Latin American immigrants, these are the people who will be targeted. The wording makes me worried that these will lead to racial profiling, specifically of Latin Americans because that is the biggest worry of most people in Arizona who support this bill.

Of course I think something needs to be done. I don't even think this law is terrible. I just think its a bad first step. There needs to be a way to make the immigration process quicker. After that is in place, we need to give those living here illegally a way to become legal and a reason to do so. This would mean putting a law like this in place, one that would penalize those living here illegally so that they would be 'encouraged' to become legal citizens. I believe the increase in federal tax dollars from these people would help offset the cost of all of this.

Again, I am not a politician or that knowledgeable about the laws but I am not a supporter of this law. Nor do I want a wall to be built. Laws like this really just make me wonder.

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