Sunday, July 18, 2010

Blaming Sleep

As you all know, I LOVE my sleep. It is one of my favorite things. I used to think I was actually a fairly heavy sleeper, but have recently discovered that I just can fall asleep whenever, not that I can stay that way.

Well, I blame the lack of blogging on sleep in this way, I have a roommate that won't wake up for his alarm. Sure, he will roll over and hit snooze (only about half the times the alarm goes off), but then he falls back asleep. Plus, he is a very popular person so he gets a lot of phone calls and texts, sometimes early in the morning when he is not awake to answer so it keeps ringing. To wake him up, I actually have to wake up and yell at him or something.

Now, I am not angry at him for this, he is a good roommate in other ways. My ability to go to sleep anytime has really helped overcome that issue but those naps cut directly into my blogging time.

So you see, I can blame it on sleep.

1 comment:

  1. So your sleep has multiple purposes: it both gives you rest AND gives you reasons for things! Who would have guessed your rest would do so much???
