Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Semester, New Schedule

And I know you are all dying to know what the schedule for this new semester will be. When making this schedule, I discovered how excited I get when thinking about a new schedule. The thrill and wonder of what each class may bring. From the teacher to the material to my classmates. It entices me to learn something new. That is why I am taking...

Intro to Physical Geography and Lab - Monday and Wednesday 12-2:45pm
Intermediate Algebra - Monday and Wednesday 3-4:15pm
Plant Growth and Development - Monday and Wednesday 7:10-9:50pm

Mythology - Tuesday and Thursday 9-10:15am
Elementary Spanish 2 - 11-12:50pm

Yeah. Fridays off!!! And only twice a week will I have to wake up before noon! If you know me, you know that this is the perfect schedule for me!

1 comment:

  1. You are starting your classes at the time I tried to be done with my classess( back in the dark ages!!)
    Sounds like you have a good year planned
