Tuesday, August 4, 2009


First off, happy 30th Anniversary Mom and Dad! It is awesome that you guys have made it this long and that anyone can see you'll be making it much longer. Thanks for everything!

Not so great news with court. Prosecutor basically said he would only give me a $138.00 fine and have me go to traffic school. (Which I would have done in the first place but they said I couldn't being that I am an out of state resident.) I tried to explain that the sign wasn't even in a place for me to see it and why would I think it would be 35mph where I was stopped. He responded with, "Ignorance to the law is no excuse." Boy did he not get it. But whatever, as soon as I take the class, it'll all be over with. Man, do I hate Texas right now.

My roommate loves to sing. I don't mind people who can sing well, doing so often. But when you have no talent for singing and only sing crappy songs, you really need to stop. Please, Jordan, think of the children! (And those who act like children.)

Tomorrow, my boss, Tamra, is coming in for my review. Babe, the owner of Siren, is also coming in, but I don't know if he is meeting with me or not. I hope they have word on my job situation. I am hearing from some little birds that I have well placed that I am 99.99% sure to have a job. The only reason I say 99.99% is because I don't have word from the people who can tell me the final word, but I am hopeful. Still will need to figure out what to do about the whole Arizona living thing, but a job might be helpful for that.

Should probably get a good nights sleep for tomorrow. I need to get into the office on time tomorrow. (And not the 10-20 minutes late that I have been.)


  1. Thank you for your nice message, here & on the phone. We had a nice day & went out to dinner.
    We are still praying for you about your job. Since it is 5PM here on Wednesday, I'm hoping you already got some good news!!!
    Love you

  2. Thanks Tom, Regarding the ticket I think that like is standard fair from law school I have heard it several times with small claims court.
