Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Little Music Update

One thing that I hope will always excite me as much as it does now is the joy of finding a new song or band to listen to. I am grateful to have had some good friends that help me to this end. My brother and last roommate, Mike, was good at leading me on to new artists and my one of my current roommates, Jeffrey, is amazing at this. You can read about the amazing Jeffrey here. I have actually told him that any song I hear him listening to I either think that the song is amazing or I wonder why anyone would listen to that song. More times than not, its the former.

Well, anyways, here are a few songs that I have recently been enjoying. Though Jeffrey may not have told me about all three of them, I believe he did have a had in me figuring out who the artist or song was on each and every one.

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