Thursday, September 3, 2009

Back in AZ

I made it! I would be ok to not take a car ride over 2 hours for a while. In the past year, I think I have made way too many road trips. The issue with being back in AZ is that I currently don't have a place to live. I am sleeping on my brothers couch and I haven't unloaded most of my stuff. I hope to have an apartment by the end of the week. Boy, am I going to be glad to get settled soon.


  1. So, are you working this week? When do you move into your new apartment and are you moving in with any of you friends from work? Inquiring minds are asking these questions. Or, at least, my inquiring mind is asking!

  2. Any updates coming or did you fall into a black hole???
    On a serious note, how is the new job going and will you be able to post any pictures of your new apartment? hope all is going well for you.
    Love, Mom
