Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Here I go again

I feel like I've said this before, but I really am going to try to post on this more frequently. I know you are probably all wondering what I've been up to (and if not, just humor me) and why I haven't posted more often. Well here is the update:

1. I found a place. Living by myself in Tempe. It's a nice, small place. It's close to work, which is really awesome. The sad part is I never realized how much of my roommate's stuff I had taken for granted. Had to buy all new pots and pans. Still waiting for money to get a tv. BUMMER!!

2. I was told the first day to go to work was a Monday. I didn't realize that also happened to be Labor Day and the office was closed. Thanks for telling me guys!

3. Speaking of work, I don't think I have actually worked 8-5 yet. Usually get in between 7:40-8:05am, depending on how quickly I move in the morning. I stay till 6-7pm. I eat lunch at my desk while working. Today was the first time when I felt that, at moments during the day, I didn't have anything to do. Well at least I'm not bored.

4. Since I don't know many people around here and I don't really have money to go out, I have spent my Saturdays doing a bit of work too. Like the genius I am, I decided to go to the storage unit last Saturday at noon and spend 2-3 hours there counting hundreds of company T-shirts. For some reason, someone opened every box so none had a correct count. Not a great idea on my part to spend the hottest time of day in a metal box in the AZ heat. Also stinks that I am not hourly.

5. The good news is that the lack of funds have kept me in where I have had a chance to catch up on my movies and tv shows on Hulu. Good times.

6. Still working on being a soccer fan. Not sure who to root for or anything. I haven't really been able to watch a game in a while, which is sad. But I might be going over to a friend's place this Saturday to watch a game. That is, if I don't think it would be more fun to go back to the storage unit.

7. Got to watch a rugby game finally. Pretty cool but not exactly as pictured. Must watch more.

Well that's it for now. Think I may study some French before bed. Hopefully, I can remember to post again tomorrow. Night all!

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