Sunday, September 27, 2009

Maybe an editor would help

I know a few other people who write online. I have 4-6 blogs that my friends write that I try to make a habit of reading. I also have a few other friends who do other random writing for websites, doing reviews and such. I just have a huge issue with their improper use of grammar in their writing. Most of them are actually really good writers and I do enjoy reading what they write. It's the other ones that seem to make a habit of those issue. Their spelling and grammar errors usually distract me from their writing. I feel bad, it isn't like they are going out of their way to make those small mistakes and they are just doing it for fun. I am a fan of people writing for no other reason than to just write. But you really should try to edit what you write, perfect it and perfect all your writing. If you look over it again, and see an issue, maybe it's something you do often and should keep an eye out for. I am not going to pretend that my writing is immaculate, it is far from it, but I am trying to improve it.
I know I should just let it be. If people don't want to improve their writing and are fine with the errors that some third graders would notice, that is up to them. As for me, since I use the English language so much, I will continue to work towards the best understanding of it that I can get. Maybe I should just become an editor or something, then I could actually get paid to correct peoples' errors.

1 comment:

  1. I like your idea about becoming an editor. You should really give that some thought!
    And I like your writing very much, but I am a bit biased!
