Monday, February 8, 2010

Already Nervous

SO, I really haven't given an update about how school is going. Not that I am planing on giving an in depth update yet, I sort of have something else on my mind, but I'll just say that I'm having a little bit of a rough go of it so far. Just can't really get into my classes. I'm not doing poorly, just wish I was more excited about them.

Well, anyways, too the matter at hand.......

OMG I'M FREAKING OUT!!!! For my Philosophy class, my teacher just released the instructions for the final/semester project. It is to research and make a survey about a current issue, then to interpret the data and create a presentation from it. First off, I don't really like to do research. Having never spent much time doing any, I am a little worried about that, but honestly, it's a paper, I can do it. I can figure out how to create a decent survey and all that. I am not excited about it but I can do it. I am FREAKING OUT about the presentation part of it. I honestly hate getting in front of a group of people who I don't really know to talk about anything. I am much more comfortable being part of a discussion and talking with people in a small group.

I know I'll be fine, and it's not due until late March. I just don't like the idea of doing a presentation. As the date comes closer, I may start losing some sleep (not that I get that much now) over doing it. It doesn't seem healthy to be this worked up over something that isn't going to happen for weeks.

I honestly wish I could still drop this class, that's how bad it is. Don't worry, I won't drop it. I'd still have to pay for it and that would be a waste.

1 comment:

  1. If your school is anything like Mary's(or most schools today!), you will lose 1/4 to 1/3 of the class by midterm, so it maybe more like a small group anyway.
    And I do agree with not worrying about something so far away. You need a topic to research first. Good luck and we are praying for you
