Saturday, February 27, 2010

What's in a Name? (Pt. 2)

So by popular demand, and so I don't get beat up by my brother who requested this, I will talk about some of my nicknames. Again, I will mention what I said in the first part, I think of myself as Tom. I know this might be upsetting to some people but I really don't think of myself as any of these nicknames. That said, I do not mind being called any of these. Not a big deal to me at all .

SportyDebo - This has become my most popular nick name in recent years. Of coures this comes from my love for Sporty Spice, she was the only talented one in the group. (Thank you Wikipedia for that little opinion) If you don't believe that, I guess it might come from the fact that I am the sibling in the Debo family that has the most interest in sports. Matter of fact, any interest means I have the most interest.

Sporty - I think its just used when folks are too lazy to add Debo to the end. Sometimes though, I worry that they are confusing me for Sporty Spice. On my bad days, we do look a bit similar. (The Sporty joke may never get old)

Debo - I was called this more when I was back in Buffalo, when hanging with my friends back there. Since moving out to AZ, Mike has taken the mantle of Debo out here, and I am the second of the Debos that people will meet so I am differentiated by being called Sporty.

Uummmm........I think that's about it. If I forgot any, please remind me. I'll either edit them in if there are just a few or do another post.

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