Monday, April 19, 2010


Tomorrow (I am talking about Monday, which is really later today, but since I will be going to bed soon, I will refer to it as tomorrow) should be one of the happiest days of my life. I need to do two things before it is definite, but I am going to tell you why its such a joyous day first. I am going to be putting in my 2 weeks notice! I was thinking about how I will be leaving the day of or after my last exams. If I can't get it moved up, my last finals are on Thursday May 13th. I get paid every week for the work I did on the prior week and the checks are issued late Thursday. They are supposed to be issued Friday but I can get mine on Thursday night. One of the perks of working nights I guess. An issue arises with this since I am hoping to leave to work in California as soon as I finish my last final which should be Thursday May 13th. If I work the first week of May, I won't be able to pick up my last paycheck! I am actually hoping to move the date of my last final up, so it would be even harder to get that check. I know I could ask them to mail it to me but I would really just rather quit, since I have the money.

The only things I need to do are, obviously, send in my notice. Prior to that, I need to check with my buddy Brad and make sure the job in California is still on. I mean, there is no reason to think it isn't other than that no company in the industry has ever seemed like they know what they are doing. I trust that, if Brad says Cali is a sure thing, there is a 90% chance it is a go. I do trust Brad, I just don't trust any company in this industry.

Either way, whether I quit this week or next, I am totally excited! While the job really is interesting, I hate the hours and the wear I put on my car. It really may be one of my favorite days ever!

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