Monday, April 26, 2010

Run, Run as Fast as You Can!

There are a lot of things that I like to do that I don't do enough. The one I will be talking about today is running. I REALLY enjoy going for a good run. There are a few problems with doing it though. I am not a fan of running on a treadmill, I feel like a hamster except for I am not on a wheel. I mean, if it was a wheel, that could be kind of cool. I mean for a short time, at least. So, you would think that I would love to run outside, that's when another problem occurs. I hate having people drive by me. I know this is terribly silly, and it might come from the fact that I don't have a great self image, but I feel like there are looking at me or something. Even if I could get over that, a third problem arises. I am stupid. Yeah, I know it isn't that surprising to any of you. When I do run outside, I would just run until I got tired, not really thinking, 'Oh, I'm getting a little tired now so I should turn around while I still have some gas in my tank.' No, I would go full out in a nearly straight path away from where I start. The trek home is not a fun one and is usually enough to convince me for a bit that running is bad.

I know, I should be able to just give up and run inside, or just not care what others think of me while I'm running, or, at least, use a little of the sense that GOD has given me. No, I am just going to sit here and get fat. I'll blame it on the fact that my apartment complex has been renovation the gym for months. Maybe I should just do a different exercise or something.....

1 comment:

  1. I am inclined to say that a different exercise would be good, but I also enjoy all your writings about all these things. I can verify that it is much better to stay in the habit and do something than have to start a new habit
