Monday, April 26, 2010

A Lesson From Dad

I have learned a lot from my father over the years. Not all of them instructional things, like how to tie my shoes, but many of them being more along the lines of how to act and what type of person I should be. A really do think that he has taught me more without saying a word than many people have with all they have said. Most of the reason is because I look up to my father so much. I do realize he isn't perfect, he would probably be the first to admit that, but he is still my father and is the type of person I want to be someday.

All that to say this. One of the things he told me was, 'If you act like you know what you're doing, no one will question you.' This was a lesson I used frequently at the Home Depot, trying to convince customers I knew what I was talking about. I probably wasn't the best at it, I was always glad that my pay wasn't commission based, but I got better over time. I realize I use that skill all the time now. With my current job (the one I am soon leaving) I have to go to some secure areas. No one questions me when I act like I am supposed to be there, even though many times I get lost and find I am not even in the right place. One of the weirdest places that this happens is in the hospitals. I have found a few code words that allow me to just walk past security guards and into where ever I need to. Its pretty cool but does make me worry about hospital security. I am sort of glad, sometimes, when someone stops me to ask what I am there for. I do feel like those people who sneaked in the President's party a little while ago.

Thanks Dad for teaching me to act confident even when I am not.

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