Friday, January 15, 2010


Since I've had this delivery job that I am currently working at, the airport here in Phoenix has been under construction. I have no idea what is going on but it seems like half the lanes are closed every night for some project. I have tried to ask people working at the airport what is going on but no one seems to know what they are doing. I really wish road construction sites needed to have a sign up stating what they are doing and how long they'd have lanes closed for. I do see that every once in awhile, but I think this should be mandatory. I would like to know if they are build a new road, widening the road, repaving it, or just taking a coffee break there. If I don't see the sign, In usually just assume that last one.


  1. Sounds like construction is the same everywhere

  2. Dude I am with you on that one. Even sometimes they make the effort to say how much money they are spending on it. All that really does is piss people like me off, cause it's always way more expensive than it should be. Like you said, signs saying what they are doing would be awesome!!
