Saturday, January 16, 2010

Magic Music

Sometimes, when listening to music via the radio or my iPod, I will realize how appropriate a song is to a certain situation in my life. I have started to think that these devices are a little magic. I was recently upset for not having something I wanted. Mind you, this is very much something I want. I do not in anyway need this thing. I know this but still think about how much I would like to have this thing and that I might be happy if I had it.

Then the song 'You Can't Always Get What You Want' by the Rolling Stones came on. It actually took me up until the end of the song to realize how appropriate it was for me. I am very glad I have what I need and that I always seem to get what I need when I need it. That's enough for me right now.

1 comment:

  1. J know what you mean about music speaking to you and it being just what you need to hear. It happens to me alot!
    And I can never hear enough about you!
