Monday, January 18, 2010

Random Encounter

Two weeks ago, I thought it would be a good idea to start going to church again. I found a Nazarene church in my area and since I had been to one in Buffalo that I somewhat enjoyed, I decided to go. Last Sunday, I woke at about 7am, not on purpose, and got ready and just went to the 9am service. I was quickly greeted by an older gentleman named Will. I found out he is a pastor there and quickly treated me to the welcome speech. I didn't mind cause it was quick and involved a gift bag with a $5.00 gift card to Starbucks. He reminded me of Pastor Dave Hill from EHWC. He tells me about a Sunday school for college-aged people that starts at 9:30am and invites me to go next week. I thank him and enjoy the service. The service was decent, nothing ground breaking to me, but I figure I'll give it another try next week.

Next week come and I am again awake much earlier than I want to be. I decide to go to the Sunday school this week. I get there and there are only 4 other people. We chat for a bit and start talking about Isaiah. More people start coming in and one of the girls introduces herself as Laura, who I think is familiar looking. The name is familiar too. A few minutes later I realize that she is actually from my hometown and the sister of a friend of mine. After Sunday school she says that I look familiar. I respond, 'Yeah, my last name is Debo. Yours is Pasieka.' She actually remembers my brothers and going to the same church my family went to for years.

How random.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe you met up with PJ's sister! Talk about a small world!
