Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pratical Cars

Since I drive so much, I get to see a lot of other cars on the road. Not really to many when I'm driving but since I drive so much, they tend to add up. I recently realized that it bothers me when someone has a car and doesn't use it for the purpose it should be. Here are some examples.

1) Driving a sports car slowly - Since you decided to buy a sports car, you should always be going faster than me. It is a shame to have bought an engine like you have and not use it.

2) Having a pristine pickup truck - I understand, you care about your car. But, it has the bed, you paid to have the bed, you should you it. Luxury Pickup Trucks might be the stupidest thing ever. Why worry about it getting a ding in it? They are meant to get them. Pickup trucks are meant to pick up things and carry them from point A to point B, That is why they are called PICKUP TRUCKS! If you have one and don't want to help your friend move, you are just a jerk.

3) SUVs with 3 or few passengers - You bought that big vehicle to move a lot. Why not get a car, which would be cheaper and better for the environment? Oh, cause you just want to be a soccer mom? LAME!

It's funny, all these little things that bother me. But really, what sense do any of those things make?

1 comment:

  1. Lincoln Navigator Trucks. Their sole existence bothers me.
