Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thinking in Color

I was recently having a conversation with a friend about favorite colors. It ended up evolving into a conversation about the meanings/thoughts we associate with different colors. Here are my thoughts.

Purple - This reminds me of my Aunt. She loves purple and the whole family definitely knew it. When I think of purple I think of a more mature, romantic affection. As opposed to ....

Pink - Of course, I think of this as the most girl-y color. I think of it as a young affection. Also, remind me of those Sweetheart candies. I think I am one of the few people in the world who actually likes those.

Blue - My second favorite color. Makes me think of water and the ocean. I associate it with adaptability, ease, and peace.

Green - This is my favorite color. I think of plants when I think of green. I think of life and growth with this color.

Yellow - Yellow-bellied, need I say more? Well, I probably should. The sun is actually what I think of when I think of yellow. Which might be why I think of something that's attention grabbing. Like a ray of sunshine.

Orange - Probably my least favorite color. I do not like this color much. Though I do like GoldFish crackers, (Easter Egg: Know what the first ingredient of GoldFish? If not, look it up.) when I think of orange, I, like most people, think of the fruit that shares the name. I think of confusion when thinking of this color but that probably comes from my time working for the big orange, The Home Depot.

Red - Anger. Embarrassment. Apples. I only like thinking of the last one, but I associate all three words with red.

White - I think of white as clean and pure. Like a white shirt. Which seems to attract dirt.

Black - Emptiness. I think its probably a very cool (in heat terms) color. I think it also really represents the unknown.

Well, those are my thoughts. Feel free to share yours.


  1. i like your color thoughts. Makes me think about how I view color

  2. Sometimes I think I don't appreciate the colors enough in my life. I am very plain. I struggle to break out of my mold with boring colors. There are people like Katie ( that fascinate me.
