Monday, June 22, 2009

Learning to Cook

Since I have moved out of the house, and most recently, since I have been in Texas, I have been trying to learn how to cook different meals. Honestly, I haven't been very successful at it. I havee made some decent french toast. The many things I have had issues with are:

Pizza - While taking the pizza sheet out of the oven, I burned my finger a bit.

Pancakes - I made a bunch of batter and looking forward to having a GIANT pancake. I did not know that putting all that batter in as small of a pan as I did was a bad idea. Found that out pretty quickly.

Omelet - All I can say is that my omelets have been terrible, my scrambled eggs have been amazing.

Pasta Sauce - I discovered that putting too many different spices in can really ruin the sauce.

I am sure I have many other stories about my cooking adventures, I just can't remember them right now. I do have fun cooking, I just need to do it more often. It isn't like I don't have the time.


  1. Don't lose heart!!! Most great cooks had a lot of failures before they were successful- a lot like life!! And the failures make great conversation starters- take it from someone who knows-remember exploding pie???

  2. Dood, if you need the cook book you gave Amiee we can loan it to you. ;-P
