Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Not the Best Day Ever

The day started a bit goofy. Not anything in particular happened but it felt like it was going to be one of 'those' days. Boy, if I only knew what it was going to turn into, I might have called in sick.

If I looked at the work day up till 4:30pm, I would have just called it an over frustrating day, but then 4:30 hit and the proverbial shit hit the proverbial fan for me. I happened to randomly be walking by the VP, Chad's, office while he and Brandon, one of the managers, are pushing some chairs into it. He asks me to come in so we can talk about a schedule. I really don't have a schedule that I work on cause I am paid on salary so I am thinking that he is trying to get my opinion on the schedule for the call center. We all sit down and he calls my direct manager in. The three of them proceed to tell me that I am being moved back into the call center and I will now be hourly. The position will be for 22 hours per week and I'll be paid $10.00 per hour. So I will go from $500.00 per week to $220.00 This will be starting the week after next. The reason it has to wait that long is that the executive managers, sales reps, and techs will be going on a PAID COMPANY CRUISE. One of the executive managers going on this cruise doesn't really do anything. I see her half the time on Facebook, she updates her status 3+ times per day during work. Another frustrating part is that I was doing inventory in the outside office and have created most of the processes for tracking and forecasting inventory, yet they give the job to someone else. When I got back here, I was told that I was going to be the 'Corporate Office Manager' and take care of the reps here, but it seems that they will be giving that job to someone who just returned to the office. I come back here and they sort of cut my pay, they paid for my housing out in Fort Worth but not here, yet I didn't get a raise. I am incredibly frustrated but really have no idea what to do. I have to find a new job soon I guess.

The good part was that Chad and Brandon seemed to want to help me find a new job. They offered to write recommendations and said that they really do like having me here. It just doesn't really help right now.

1 comment:

  1. We love you and we are praying for you, for direction and wisdom.
