Monday, July 20, 2009

Just a few thoughts recently

Well, maybe I'll post every other day? Like most of my other endeavors, I just can't really commit fully to this. Hope I can keep putting something on this. I have to keep my fan (Mom) happy by keeping her updated.

After hearing about how good the show 'No Reservations' is, I decided to give it a try. I quickly have fallen in love with the show. It is not the most amazing show or all that ground breaking at all. I think what amazes me is the fact that the show is, in a simple sense, just an essay with a video to go a long with it. Recently finding that I actually, somewhat enjoy writing, this excites me. The thought that, with just writing essays, I could have the opportunity to do some really amazing things. It just thrills me and really makes me consider strengthening and using my writing skills more than I currently am.

The other thing about the show that I love is all the places Anthony Bourdain, the host, goes. I have only watched a handful of episodes from the first season, but he has already spent time in Iceland, Paris, Vietnam, and New Jersey (I know, New Jersey, so exciting!) Thinking about my future career, one of the biggest things I want to include is the opportunity to travel. I would love to be paid to go to new places. This is one of the reasons I am trying to learn other languages, so when I do go to a new country, I can attempt to speak their language, instead of just looking like another stuipd tourist. Learning French hasn't been going great lately but I hope within the next few days to really sit down and study it again. I feel if I can start nailing down other languages and get a feel for them, maybe I should take them in college. If that goes well, maybe I should consider what being a linguist would be like. What would it hurt to look into?

Thats about all I can think of sharing tonight. Hope you are all doing well and keep doing so!


  1. Glad to be your fan!!!!
    I enjoy reading what ever you write & when ever you get to it. Though, if you didn't post for a week, I would begin to worry something happened!
    So.. you now know you could never fall off the radar and not be missed!!!
    Have a good day

  2. Yeah, I know about learning another language. I need to get back to learning ASL.
